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CSS Customize & Theme

CSS Variables

This section describes how to use CSS variables to customize the theme of the components.

We use CSS variables to define colors and other styles like below:

:root {
--wkit-accent-hs: 210, 100%;
--wkit-on-accent-rgb: 255, 255, 255;
--wkit-bg-rgb: 239, 241, 245;
--wkit-on-bg-rgb: 10, 14, 34;
--wkit-font-family: 'Basel', sans-serif;
--wkit-font-family-mono: 'IBM Plex Mono', monospace;
--wkit-font-size-large: 18px;
--wkit-font-size-medium: 16px;
--wkit-font-size-small: 14px;
--wkit-line-height-large: 22px;
--wkit-line-height-medium: 20px;
--wkit-line-height-small: 17px;
--wkit-button-width: 284px;
--wkit-border-radius: 16px;

Below is a list of all CSS variables that you can use as public API to customize the look of the components.

CSS VariablesDescriptionsDefault Value
--wkit-accent-hsThe hue and saturation components of the accent color.210, 100%
--wkit-on-accent-rgbThe RGB value of the color on the accent color.255, 255, 255
--wkit-bg-rgbThe RGB value of the background color.239, 241, 245
--wkit-on-bg-rgbThe RGB value of the color on the background color.10, 14, 34
--wkit-font-familyThe font-family of the components.'Basel', sans-serif
--wkit-font-family-monoThe font-family of the components (monospace).'IBM Plex Mono', monospace
--wkit-font-size-largeThe font-size of the components (L).18px
--wkit-font-size-mediumThe font-size of the components (M).16px
--wkit-font-size-smallThe font-size of the components (S).14px
--wkit-line-height-largeThe line-height of the components (L).22px
--wkit-line-height-mediumThe line-height of the components (M).20px
--wkit-line-height-smallThe line-height of the components (S).17px
--wkit-button-widthThe width of the button.284px
--wkit-border-radiusThe border radius of the components.16px

Default Values:

After figuring out the CSS variables you want to customize, you can override them in your own CSS file, like below:

:root {
--wkit-accent-hs: 110, 100%; // Redefine the hs (the first two components of hsl) of the accent color

... // other CSS variables

Import the default CSS file and your own CSS file in your application.


The CSS variables must be imported / declared AFTER the default CSS file.

For example, in the src/index.jsx file:

import '@razorlabs/wallet-kit/style.css';
import './razorlabs-wallet-kit-custom.css'; // You CSS file here

When CSS variables are not enough, you can customize the styles by importing the CSS file and overriding our default CSS rules.


Override our default CSS rules is not recommended because it is not easy to maintain. If you have any questions or feature requests, please contact us.

Fellow the steps below to customize the styles:

First, figure out the CSS class name of the component you want to customize. For example, the CSS class name of the ConnectButton component is wkit-button.

Then override the styles in your own CSS file.

.wkit-button {
height: 64px; // For example, override the height of the button

And last, import the default CSS file and your own CSS file in your application.


Your CSS rules must be imported / declared AFTER the default CSS file.

For example, in the src/index.jsx file:

import '@razorlabs/wallet-kit/style.css';
import './razorlabs-wallet-kit-custom.css'; // You css file here