You can get the balance of the current connected account under the selected network. The useAccountBalance will return the current account's balance, loading status and error object. When fetching the balance data, loading will set to true, otherwise false. If fetch failed, error will be an Error object instance and shows why fetch failed.
Properties | Description | Type | Default |
error | error or null | Error | null | null |
loading | fetch status | boolean | false |
balance | the balance of current account, converted from BigInt | string | '0' |
The error
object tells why get balance failed. If error is not null,
it may mean network error or other problems from your app.
The loading
can be used to add loading when fetching acount balance.
import React from 'react';
import { useAccountBalance } from '@razorlabs/razorkit';
const CustomSpinner: React.FC = () => {
return <div>Loading...</div>
function App() {
const { error, loading, balance } = useAccountBalance();
return (
{loading && <CustomSpinner />}
{String(balance) ?? '0'}
The balance's type is the default typescriptbigint
You can convert it to number or string(as shown in the example above) depending on your project.
In some case, the balance can be bigger than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER(2^53 - 1).
If your project supports Bigint(, you can directly use BigInt
method to convert, otherwise, use some lib to work with bigint.
import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import { useAccountBalance } from '@razorlabs/razorkit';
interface AccountBalanceResponse {
error: Error | null;
loading: boolean;
balance: string;
function App() {
const { error, loading, balance } = useAccountBalance();
useEffect(() => {
if (Number(balance) > 1000000) {
console.log('You are a millionaire!');
}, [balance]);
return (
<div>fetch balance loading status: {loading}</div>
<div>account balance: {String(balance) ?? '0'}</div>