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This hook is used to provide the Aptos Aptos interface in React Hooks style.

See aptos package on npm for more information.


This hook is internally JUST importing the Aptos interface and implemention from @aptos-labs/ts-sdk package. What we do is caring about versioning, state management, and other stuffs for you.

import { useAptosProvider } from '@razorlabs/wallet-kit';
function YourComponent() {
const endpoint = '';
const provider = useAptosProvider(endpoint);

return <>...</>;

Using the Aptos interface

But if you use the Aptos provided by useAptosProvider, you can call the signAndSubmitTransaction endpoint in a more convenient way:

function YourComponent() {
const endpoint = '';
const { signAndSubmitTransaction } = useAptosProvider(endpoint);

return (
onClick={async () => {
// ... some code to get the raw transaction
const resp = await signAndSubmitTransaction(rawTx);
// resp is the response from the Client, and has detailed typings defination